**This was made for a school project, and was done in a total of 2 hours**


Perturbed Paddle is a small, simple game about keeping your ball inside the circle

How to play: 

A and D: Rotates Paddle

Left and Right Arrow: Rotates Paddle



Easy way to create royalty free music - ecrett music

What I use:

Construct 3 - my game making software! https://www.construct.net/en

Aseprite - my pixel art software Aseprite - Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool

Itch.io - where I post all my games and art https://derpydino35.itch.io/

Snip and sketch - my go-to for taking screenshotshttps://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/snip-sketch/9mz95kl8mr0l?activetab=pivot:overviewtab

Olive - my go-to for converting audio and whatnot video editing  https://www.olivevideoeditor.org/

Ecrett Easy way to create royalty free music - ecrett music

Audicity - how I record audio https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/audacity-windows-store-version/9n66vbrr4dpl?activetab=pivot:overviewtab

Freesound - music and audio https://freesound.org/

A little bit about me :

I make video games and pixel art :D

I also regret procrastination :D

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyaj8BkG9esFi3I4iD0hgrg?view_as=subscriber

Discord https://discord.gg/jna2zhS


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A great little game that I can tell was inspired by Vimlark's game even so i got a high score of 37 and really enjoyed playing. Happy Deving!

Thank you so much!! Glad you enjoyed it!! :DDD

Super good game but again button dosent work 

Thank you! I'm sorry that the button doesnt work :(

I got 35.

Don't like how the paddle gets smaller. Would be more interesting if regaining size wasn't just, "hit box."

OOO Gj! Thank you so much for your feedback! The game was all made in 2 hours, so sadly I didn't have time to fix the bad mechanics :(

Comment your top score below!!