Move with Up and down Arrow keys....

This is a game made for  Xandee 101 Game Jam

This is my first game I made for a Game Jam. I spent maybe 8 hours on it in total. In the middle of my project, the (transitions or scenes)  stopped loading, but the code was all right. This made me have every single sprite, text, ect... on one seen. :(

Things I might update:

First of all, this is a game jam game, and the jam has already ended, so this is not a big priority.

The Score. It seems to be off

Clouds! I really want clouds in this game to show movement, and also just look more polished

Bird Movement. I might try to make it look better and to not go the same place twice


This game is Flappybird, but you control the pipes. You need to use the Up and Down arrows to help the bird survive.

What I use:

Construct 3 - my game making software! https://www.construct.net/en

Itch.io - where you are on, where I post all my games, and compete in game jams like this one

Snip and sketch - my go to for taking screenshotshttps://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/snip-sketch/9mz95kl8mr0l?activetab=pivot:overviewtab

Olive - my go to for converting audio and whatnot video editing  https://www.olivevideoeditor.org/

Audicity - how I record audio https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/audacity-windows-store-version/9n66vbrr4dpl?activetab=pivot:overviewtab

Freesound - music and audio https://freesound.org/

A little bit about me :

This is my 2nd game, and my 1st game jam

If you like this game, you may like the other stuff I do:

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyaj8BkG9esFi3I4iD0hgrg?view_as=subscriber

Discord https://discord.gg/jna2zhS

One more thing is a special thanks to:

Lucas, Landon, Saylah, Andrew, Joey, and Judson for seeming interested in this game before it went down hill reeeeeeealll fast.


Development log


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if it is not my fault, when i try to run i just get a black screen

I have no idea why this is :(

fixed btw